
Apis Nativa wins 6 medals at the 48th Apimondia Congress.


After a long wait, Apimondia revealed the results of the competition from its last congress, held in September last year in Chile.

Apis Nativa, Brazil's largest honey exporter, once again stands out by winning 6 gold, silver, and bronze medals for its honey and beeswax, filling Brazilian apiculture with pride. The company was the top Brazilian medalist at the event, which featured 160 honey samples from all continents. Four of the medals awarded in the honey categories went to products from the Brazilian company, while all Brazilian medals in the best beeswax category were awarded to Apis Nativa.

"This event format was unusual, as in previous editions of the congress, the results were only announced at the end of the event. The wait left us all anxious but happy with the results achieved. We knew we wouldn't be surprised and that we could be proud of representing Brazil very well. We would like to share this achievement with our beekeeping partners who form the great Apis Nativa family. They are essential to producing high-quality honey that wins awards," said Tarciano Santos da Silva, the company's managing partner.

Throughout the 7 editions of the Apimondia congress in which Apis Nativa participated, the company was awarded a total of 33 medals for the quality of its honey and beeswax, making it the Brazilian company with the most medals received and the only one to be recognized in every edition of the world's largest beekeeping congress it attended.

This is a significant victory for Brazilian apiculture and a source of pride for Brazil.